Mental Health Specialties
Here's Why You Need Therapy
Be honest.
Are you stressed out? Are you tired of worrying about your relationship? Your job? Your family? Are you struggling to figure it all out? Do you want to go to sleep at night, but your racing thoughts are keeping you up? Anxiety is tough to manage - especially during a pandemic. If you continue to feel this way, you may experience self-doubt, insomnia, a negative outlook, and detachment from personal relationships.
Be present.
You deserve a life equipped with skills to manage your stress and anxiety, time for yourself, and meaningful time with family. You are not alone, and I am here to help you. In our busy lives, we often lose sight of our strengths but with the use of strength-based approaches, you will be able to create the life you desire to have.
“I really was nervous to start therapy at first. Facing yourself can be so scary, but Daniqua really helps me. She’s patient, honest and actually offers solutions - instead of feeding me things that sound good, but don’t encourage change. My life is so different now.”
What would your life look like a year from now if you decide to make positive changes in your life today?
Individual Counseling
One on one, all virtual and on your terms.
Imagine having a safe space all to yourself, and the audience of someone that actually listens to you. You will have that, wherever and whenever.
After your free consultation, the following appointment includes assessments, diagnosing, and treatment planning. The next sessions are where the real work begins.
Support Groups
Sometimes, it takes a village.
Start your journey to freedom surrounded by people that understand what you are feeling. There is power in communal healing, helping and growth. As with the individual counseling, there are consultations held to screen each group member. Then, the real work begins.
Each one, teach one.
Let’s make an impact and inspire your audience, together. By including a knowledgeable and honest speaker at your webinar or social media engagement, you may change a life…and gain some points doing it. Having an expert share some tips and truths can have gratification in the form of boosted morale and interactions, while potentially building lasting connections between a brand and its customers.