How to Have a Successful Counseling Journey


If you are a first-timer to therapy or if you’ve been to therapy in the past, these 3 tips can help you to have a successful counseling journey! 

1. Be  H O N E S T- Your therapist can only work with what you tell her. For example, if you have experienced a traumatic incident that you have not talked to anyone else about, and you feel too embarrassed to tell your therapist about it, then guess what!? Unfortunately, your therapist can’t help you. Why is that you may ask? Because, If you are not completely honest then you are cheating your healing process. So be true to yourself and don’t short-change yourself. 

It works if you work it, so work it, you’re worth it!
— AA Community

2. Show Up- Making an appointment to see a therapist for the first or fourth time might be the most difficult decision that you’ve had to make. I challenge you to show up every time! Show up for yourself. Show up for your kids. Show up for your loved ones. Use any motivator that you may have to propel you to take the next step. As you continue to challenge yourself then, you will see the positive changes that you will have!

3. Be Present- I get it, being in your feelings isn’t the easiest thing to do for some. But believe me when I say, true healing comes from your most vulnerable moments. Therapy is a safe space where you can be your most authentic self. The place where you can process your deepest thoughts and feelings without judgment from your therapist and with pure empathy and genuineness. That’s gold!


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